Vice President/Social Convenor
In this our 75th Anniversary it is an honour to have been asked to be Vice President by President Hamish Ramsay I wish Hamish both a successful and enjoyable year as President of Gourock Park. I hope that the weather will be kind to the greens and the people participating in the various competitions and events being held enjoy them
The refurbishment of the Clubhouse is now near complete.I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ian Brown and all the others who have been involved in giving up their time and offering their services in allowing us to help reach our goal in time!!.
We now have a new Gents Locker Room which Ian Brown has had dreams about since he was president 13 years ago, first time around. So it is great to see his vision come to fruition.
The Social Committee have been busy arranging several events during the 75th season, and we hope that all members will get behind the club and support these forthcoming events.